Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Day

I tried starting a blog before. I love to cook, so I thought that I would start a recipe blog and fill it with my favorite family recipes. Well, that didn't last long. With the birth of our second daughter, I decided that I wanted to maintain a journal of the girls. We have two daughters, Harper, who is almost three and Darby, who is almost three months. They do so many amazing and noteworthy things on a daily basis. I want to add such events to their baby books, but there is no space for "funny thing that your almost three year old says at the park", or "how many tantrums did your almost three year old have today". So, I thought I would maintain this blog as a sort of semi-baby book, slash family "album" to record all of the memories that our daughters make. And, even more than memorializing the details of my daughters, I want to memorialize the details of us - as a family of four girls and a boy.